Tutoring Lessons in Sunderland

Irrespective of race, creed, and gender, education makes it possible for people to stand out as equal with all the other persons from different walks of life

progress | succeed | achieve

A Personalised Maths Tuition Service

At Maedutainment, we believe that learning is a deeply personal process. I used to struggle with maths and no matter how my teachers explained it to me I couldn’t get it. Now that I’m teaching, I carry through the idea that everyone learns in their own way, and I’ll work with single one of my students in a way that suits them. I offer tutoring lessons that are completely individualised, without focusing on a set method or rigid course. Everything at Maedutainment is built around making sure that you understand the maths without tricks, as I believe that everyone can understand mathematical concepts and the structures behind the maths.

From my base in Sunderland, I offer tuition across the surrounding region and online tutoring for your convenience. Whatever level of maths that you’re struggling with, I believe that the only thing stopping you is time, resources, and opportunity; Maedutainment’s approach to maths tutoring removes every single one of these barriers, and with us, you’re bound to succeed. Our courses help people with no only their academic performance, but can help boost self-esteem and confidence.

Convenience, Consistency, and Care

Our online tutoring structure is built to ensure that you receive the best lessons possible. In the past year, we’ve seen how in-person lessons aren’t always possible, but from that we learned how good online tutoring can be. I offer a convenient service for you to learn in a comfortable environment in a way that suits you.

We can also set up a weekly session to ensure that you learn whatever topic you need on a consistent basis. I believe that the best way to learn is to constantly reinforce your lessons, which has been backed up by academic studies, and the plan that we set up can get you to a level of mathematical understanding that you would’ve never dream of. Making sure that you continue tutoring lessons in a consistent way is how I’ll ensure you get the results you want.

Get in Touch

For tutoring lessons in Sunderland, get in touch with me today and we can discuss what level you’re currently at and where you want to be. Use the Maedutainment online form, or call on 07889242524, or alternatively email at micah@maedutainment.com.


Primarily available to anyone whose job involves in them working with  children or vulnerable adults. These checks are processed by the Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS). Micah holds an enhanced DBS which shows whether the applicant is on the adults barred lists’, children’s barred list or both.

This service enhances safeguarding processes. In addition, I have completed several safeguarding training and certificates in various roles throughout my teaching profession and placements.

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